Ten tips for the cycling advocate at City Hall
When Bells on Bloor was formed in 2007, we thought that convincing City Hall to install bike lanes was simply a question of demonstrating strong community...
By Albert Koehl -
LORINC: Tall or small is a false choice between main streets and intensification
At its meeting Monday, the Toronto Preservation Board (TPB) voted to adopt a set of staff recommendations that seemed, to some observers as well as...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 051, Toronto’s shelter disaster
In this episode, we look at the housing and homelessness crisis that has escalated into a full-blown disaster during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dania Majid...
By Spacing Radio -
A park in a pandemic, in photos
During the summer days of the pandemic, local photographer Chloë Ellingson found herself spending much more time in Sorauren Park than she ever had...
By Chloe Ellingson -
LORINC: The crowded bus problem during the second wave
The TTC has been steadily bringing back vehicle operators since early September as ridership levels rise. As of October 9, buses were running at about 50...
By John Lorinc -
How much parkland do we need?
Through the summer and into the fall, city parks were busy as Torontonians tried to savor the excellent weather and bring some regular routine back into...
By Alexander Tabascio -
How many injuries could separated cycling facilities prevent in Toronto?
City Building Ryerson has released a new report, Lane Change: Safer cycling infrastructure for Toronto, based on research led by Dr. Anne Harris of...
By City Building Ryerson -
REID: Piketty and the decline of “dirty mansions”
Toronto’s affordable housing crisis has many facets. One of these many facets is the conversion – or rather, re-conversion – of big old houses in the...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Preparing to weather the winter pandemic
After an emotionally complicated long weekend featuring spectacular fall colours, ambiguously-limited Thanksgiving gatherings, and disturbing statistics...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: The digs of R.C. Harris
Anyone venturing by the Queen Street side of Old City Hall in the past couple of weeks may have noticed a small new plaque in front of E.J. Lennox’s...
By John Lorinc -
What can we learn from kids who thrived during COVID-19 lockdown?
COVID-19 has been a destructive force and cruel amplifier of inequalities for many Canadian families. In addition to the damage caused directly by the...
By Josh Fullan -
A case for compassionate design in housing standards at Toronto shelters
For thousands of Toronto residents, housing precarity and homelessness are a lived reality. But for many others, the issue grew suddenly more visible as...
By Kellie Chin and Naomi Shewchuk