LORINC: Jagmeet Singh’s historic campaign
In 1990, Norman Inkster, then the commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, recommended to the federal government that Sikh Mounties be allowed...
By John Lorinc -
Spacing School of Urbanism workshop: DIGITAL CITIES
WHEN: October 25, 2019 WHERE: 197 Spadina Avenue, Lake Ontario Room, 5th floor COST: $125 TICKETS: Buy at the Spacing Store online shop Depending on who...
By Spacing -
When is efficient too efficient? Tech lessons from the port city of Hamburg
Cities can have ports, and many do. Moreover, successful ports make for thriving cities. But ports are not cities. They are not models for cities and they...
By Tricia Wood -
Analysis: the permanent King Street transit way is a model for all Toronto
The Toronto Streetcar, older or newer type, is an ever-present symbol of the city. The red, black and white TTC colours trundle along century old tracks...
By Nicholas Sanderson -
From Bach to Transport: Leipzig holds a key to the future of cities & Canadians should pay attention
The International Transportation Forum is an inter-governmental organization of the OECD. It holds a summit of transport ministers every year in Leipzig...
By Tricia Wood -
Predictions for Toronto in 2033
At our recent 15th anniversary party we asked people to tell us a prediction about Toronto in 2033. Here’s a selection of them.
By Spacing -
Doug Ford’s TTC subway upload and Margaret Thatcher’s cautionary tale
As the province contemplates major structural change to Toronto’s transit system, I want to offer London’s rocky history with transit...
By Tricia Wood -
Life on the Line: Light in the Tunnel
(Alex Garant, “Midnight”) For the past month, you may have noticed a...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
Is good regional transit planning impossible?
Image: Christof Spieler, Trains, Buses, People: An Opinionated Atlas of U.S. Transit, Island Press. The recent news from Vancouver is driving some to...
By Tricia Wood -
LORINC: Subway upload: negotiating when you have no cards in your hand
As has been widely noted, the Ford government’s approach to nearly everything has a kind of malevolent Bozo-the-clown vibe, with an emerging record of...
By John Lorinc -
A modest proposal for reforming Toronto’s Land Transfer Tax
By Zack Taylor Few topics have pre-occupied Toronto’s budget watchers more over the past decade than the city’s land transfer tax (LTT). People love it or...
By Spacing -
The Bloor Street Viaduct
As the City celebrates the centennial of Toronto’s most recognizable pieces of infrastructure with the unveiling of a historical plaque, Spacing...
By Spacing