Six-foot City: Conclusion
This series has explored the impacts of doubling the current personal space radius from 3ft (1m) to 6ft (2m) across three everyday spaces. This was done...
By Erick Villagomez -
Six-foot City: Public Transit
Anybody who has experienced a well-used public transit system during rush hour knows that relaxing their ‘personal space bubbles’ to a minimum is...
By Erick Villagomez -
Six-Foot City: Introduction
Although the recent pandemic has brought to light many important issues, none has been more pervasive than social distancing. Embedded in this discussion...
By Erick Villagomez -
Twelve Lessons from Housing First for Ending Homelessness
by Shannon Lambie and Naomi Wittes Reichstein On wrapping the five-year, $110-million At Home/Chez Soi landmark pilot project, the Mental Health...
By Naomi Wittes Reichstein -
Vancouver’s Rents and Incomes: A Critical Analysis
Our housing crisis is fundamentally a rental crisis. As such, it’s important to keep the numbers straight so that we can better focus our energy and...
By Jens -
Book Review—Better Buses, Better Cities: How to Plan, Run and Win the Fight for Effective Transit
Author: Steven Higashide (Island Press, 2019) Better Buses, Better Cities: How to Plan, Run and Win the Fight for Effective Transit is the ultimate...
By Marnie McGregor -
Metro Vancouver needs a more Multilingual Translink
Accessibility is a key priority of any public transit system. While much-needed efforts are underway in making bus stops and SkyTrain stations more...
By Max Kittner -
Book Review: Suburban Remix – Creating The Next Generation of Urban Places
Editors: Jason Beske and David Dixon (Island Press, 2018) According to the 2017 American Housing Survey, the majority of Americans live in the suburbs...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
CityStudio Vancouver: A Model of Global Urban Innovation
Since its founding in 2011, CityStudio Vancouver has demonstrated a unique ability to connect City of Vancouver staff with post-secondary faculty...
By Marnie McGregor -
Urban Technologies: The Unintended Consequences
If you walk by the bike parkade at Main Street Science World in the evening you will see a handful of bikes. If you look closely, you’ll notice that a...
By Andrew Cuthbert -
Track to the future: Advocates want to passenger rail back to the Fraser Valley
A century ago, interurban rail service helped Fraser Valley communities develop — and it could do the same thing today, says a group fighting to resurrect...
By Christopher Cheung -
On Walking and the Future of Cities: An Evening with Jeff Speck
On a balmy Tuesday night I found myself walking towards Lost Lagoon along Alberni Street. I parked my car at a nearby parking garage, slightly frustrated...
By Jeremy Senko