By John Lorinc
LORINC: Housing affordability, not hydro bills, is what’s really hurting Ontario
As has been widely reported, the showpiece of Kathleen Wynne’s Monday Throne Speech is a pledge to reduce runaway hydro bills by 8%, courtesy of a...
LORINC: Why a Patrick Brown government will target Greenbelt and Metrolinx
At this stage of the game, it would be foolish to depict Raymond Cho’s by-election victory for the Tories last week as a harbinger of anything in...
LORINC: The next massive mural should be at Yonge & Bloor
It seems to me that the act of adornment – indeed, the compulsion to adorn – is a fundamentally human impulse that speaks to our deep craving for...
LORINC: Tory tries to position himself for 2018 election
When John Tory launched a pointed broadside against the TTC two weeks ago over the agency’s reluctance to make deep cuts to its operating budget, the...
LORINC: The Rail Deck Park considered
About two years ago, deputy city manager John Livey, Toronto’s top planner, realized the strategy of creating pocket parks and little private plazas...
LORINC: Let’s have a public conversation about our phones and cycling
Here’s a bike safety question: Are more cyclists texting or checking their smart phones while riding? I can’t provide empirical evidence to say the answer...
LORINC: Why transit has become Toronto’s moral hazard
If I have to be brutally candid about my gut reaction to last week’s transit decision, I’ll confess that part of me felt the people of Scarborough are...
LORINC: The Scarborough subway and the climate change agenda
What will future residents of Scarborough think, 30 or 40 years hence, when they cast their minds back to the craven transit decisions being made today by...
LORINC: A city that doesn’t learn from transit mistakes
How many times do we have to bang our heads against the wall before we finally get the message? Apparently, based on Friday’s little news nugget about...
LORINC: Turning the Hearn into a generator of culture
This weekend, Jorn Weisbrodt, Luminato’s outgoing artistic director, watched the proverbial curtain rise on what will, in all likelihood, be his most...
LORINC: The potential of urban archaeology
For almost six months last year, an archaeological crew meticulously unearthed the treasures that had lain hidden beneath the Centre Ave. parking lot...
LORINC: The Attack of the Killer Revenue Tools
There was a wonderfully revealing moment at yesterday’s executive committee meeting, when Toronto’s city manager Peter Wallace got into it with...