By John Lorinc
LORINC: The future of Ontario Place must become an election issue
The only thing worse than the design proposed for Ontario Place’s indoor spa mega-project is the fact that a firm with such a storied history in...
LORINC: Does Toronto need strong mayor powers or just a strong mayor?
Over the 16 years prior to the news last week that Premier Doug Ford’s Tories are planning to impose so-called strong mayor powers on Toronto...
LORINC: This fall’s election shouldn’t be a victory lap
Mayor John Tory was out and about late last week, talking up what was billed as a plan to revive the city’s economy but which looked mostly like a...
WHY WE CAN’T GO: Debunking the Costs of Operating Public Washrooms, pt. 3
Parks Forestry and Recreation (PFR), according to City of Toronto data, operates over 1,500 parks, nearly 700 sports fields, 123 community recreation...
Why We Can’t Go: City Flushes Time Away, pt. 2
Anyone who spends time in cities, and not just Toronto, likely has both a mental map as well as a strategy for finding a place to go, and knowing what to...
Why We Can’t Go: A Report on Toronto’s Public Washrooms, pt. 1
Because this is Toronto, and because it’s important for officialdom to do certain things backwards, we’re going to spend this week — the days...
LORINC: Highway 413 and Doug Ford’s tactical whataboutism
Going in to this election, did anyone really expect that it would come to focus so intensively on that great big ribbon of blacktop planned and now known...
LORINC: The back-channel lobbying of residents’ associations
Should residents’ associations be required to register as lobbyists? This loaded question, as it turns out, was canvassed, sort of, by council about...
LORINC: Doug Ford’s electrification plan is actually a gas-powered climate nightmare
It being election season (and Earth Day), the Ontario government news releases are arriving a dime a dozen right now, and many seem to feature the...
LORINC: The horrible lies of Pierre Poilievre’s real estate lessons
Why do we have a housing crisis? Let me count the ways: Low interest rates, restrictive zoning, permissive zoning, contractor shortages, building material...
LORINC: Unspooling the rhetoric about ‘red tape’ and urban planning
There are few things more certain about political rhetoric than the appearance of conservative shibboleths about “red tape” come election...
LORINC: Holding an easily re-electable Mayor John Tory accountable
Elections matter, as the old rule of thumb goes, but maybe some matter less than others? It certainly seems, at this point, that Toronto’s 2022...