REID: Shadows and light – a longstanding debate
It’s an argument, it turns out, that has been going on for centuries. When new tall or mid-rise buildings are discussed, one of the issues that always...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Doug Ford’s electrification plan is actually a gas-powered climate nightmare
It being election season (and Earth Day), the Ontario government news releases are arriving a dime a dozen right now, and many seem to feature the...
By John Lorinc -
OP-ED: Look to co-op housing to address Canada’s affordability crisis
The cost of housing doesn’t have to be exorbitant, but it will stay that way as long as the government continues to stimulate the private market rather...
By Margaret Kohn -
LORINC: The horrible lies of Pierre Poilievre’s real estate lessons
Why do we have a housing crisis? Let me count the ways: Low interest rates, restrictive zoning, permissive zoning, contractor shortages, building material...
By John Lorinc -
OP-ED: Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force pushes for private sector power over true affordability
Written on behalf of The Architecture Lobby Toronto/Tkaronto (TAL-TO). TAL-TO is a volunteer-run collective working to improve the current state of...
By Heather Breeze, Mona Dai, and Samuel Ganton -
From Seeds to Saplings: New outreach to help promote growth of native trees
It started as an ordinary walk through a downtown ravine. Five years later, we are running around the city, doling out thousands of acorns to schools...
By Val Masters -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 065, Cities for Youth
Urban designers and placemakers often struggle to create cities that work for everyone, including youth. But the youth themselves are often left out of...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: Unspooling the rhetoric about ‘red tape’ and urban planning
There are few things more certain about political rhetoric than the appearance of conservative shibboleths about “red tape” come election...
By John Lorinc -
Finding the Missing Middle in Unexpected Places: Cornwall, Ontario’s Permissive Zoning
Urbanist discourse of recent years has commonly turned to reviving the Missing Middle as one means of remedying the skyrocketing cost of housing in Canada...
By Alex Gatien -
LORINC: Holding an easily re-electable Mayor John Tory accountable
Elections matter, as the old rule of thumb goes, but maybe some matter less than others? It certainly seems, at this point, that Toronto’s 2022...
By John Lorinc -
From Sunlight Park to East Harbour, Part 2 of 2
This second part of my feature on Lever Brothers soap and detergent manufacturing in the lower Don Valley will examine the eight-decade history of Plant...
By Peter MacCallum -
36 Questions that Lead to Loving TO
What do you love most about Toronto? Which places in the city would you like to share? A new exhibit in downtown Toronto, 36 Questions that Lead to Loving...
By Allison Zhao