PODCAST: Spacing Radio 082, Toronto’s political gridlock
This month, we respond to Doug Ford’s stated plan of banning new bike lanes in Ontario municipalities and building an underground highway from...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 081, Talking Transit ’24
It’s been a while since we had a good, old-fashioned transit talk with friends of the show Tricia Wood (York University urban geography professor...
By Spacing Radio -
The urban photography of Arthur Goss, part 4: Toronto Water Works, 1910-1939
Unlike his Parks Series, which highlights the inclusiveness of the City’s recreational facilities, Goss’s Toronto Water Works Series documents what was at...
By Peter MacCallum -
Learning from Moses
The more things change the more they stay the same. – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849 Robert Moses is a controversial figure in urban planning...
By Erick Villagomez -
They Brought Back the Don
In the coming weeks, Waterfront Toronto crews will remove the final plug in the new Lower Don, thereby allowing the river to finally flow naturally...
By John Lorinc -
City of Glassholes
City of GlassholesWorld Classholes dog eat downward dogcity of narrow shoulderscity of broad stereotypescity that ever sleepslong legs running off at the...
By Derek DeLand -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 078, Bike Month
It’s Bike Month! It’s a time we celebrate cycle culture in Toronto and surrounding cities and towns. At least officially. Despite some...
By Spacing Radio -
Broadway Plan Interactive Map
Information matters….and so does context. So, as the City of Vancouver embarks on four open houses related to the Broadway Plan over the next week...
By Erick Villagomez -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 077, Spring cleaning in Toronto
With the change of the seasons, we talk about different kinds of renewal. First, Senior Editor John Lorinc talks about the special Spacing investigation...
By Spacing Radio -
The Future Fix: Dipping into water data
THIS EPISODE: Dipping Into Water Data We all know access to clean water is vital. We also know that water quality and access is jeopardized by things like...
By Spacing Radio -
THE FUTURE FIX: Vivre en Ville à Victoriaville
Spacing et Evergreen présentent ensemble une nouvelle série de podcast, Face au futur : des solutions pour les communautés du Canada, d’une côte Ã...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 076, Time’s running out for accessible Ontario
In 2005, Ontario passed the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), which made accessibility for all public establishments a legal...
By Spacing Radio