By John Lorinc
LORINC: The never-ending war between Queen’s Park and City Hall
There could have scarcely been a more succinct visual metaphor for the chronically dysfunctional relationship between City Hall and Queen’s Park than the...
LORINC: Yonge Street’s new mission
It sometimes seems as if the ‘whither-Yonge Street’ question has been loitering on the edges of our civic debates ever since the City iced the...
LORINC: 2020, a year of urban resilience
The answer to the “whither-cities” question that’s buzzed around the edges of pandemic punditry was never seriously in doubt. Cities are...
LORINC: Crombie’s resignation from Greenbelt Council reminds us to look upstream
Of course, the Ford government responded with misdirection and a bit of money. In the wake of David Crombie’s weekend resignation from the Greenbelt...
LORINC: Tall or small is a false choice between main streets and intensification
At its meeting Monday, the Toronto Preservation Board (TPB) voted to adopt a set of staff recommendations that seemed, to some observers as well as...
LORINC: The crowded bus problem during the second wave
The TTC has been steadily bringing back vehicle operators since early September as ridership levels rise. As of October 9, buses were running at about 50...
LORINC: Preparing to weather the winter pandemic
After an emotionally complicated long weekend featuring spectacular fall colours, ambiguously-limited Thanksgiving gatherings, and disturbing statistics...
LORINC: The digs of R.C. Harris
Anyone venturing by the Queen Street side of Old City Hall in the past couple of weeks may have noticed a small new plaque in front of E.J. Lennox’s...
LORINC: Building a better residents association
We live in a society where individuals aren’t regulated in the ways in which they participate in (legal) group activities — from reading groups to sports...
LORINC: Slaying the NIMBY beast
It took council and city planning officials almost exactly a year to adopt a policy meant to make Toronto’s abundant, overpriced and increasingly...
LORINC: Is Toronto missing the middle or missing the mark on housing?
A thought experiment: Imagine Toronto is a big city experiencing a housing affordability crisis and steadily worsening polarization. Municipal officials...
LORINC: Council fails accountability test on defunding the police
For all the heat and light generated by Monday’s debate over defunding or detasking the police, the compromise — or compromised, depending on your...